CHARITY wants to reach out to people with dyslexia and help teach them how to
cope better.
condition can affect up to 10 per cent of the population, and the Dyslexia
Association of Staffordshire estimates that 25,000 people have the illness in
Stoke-on-Trent alone.
most common trouble that Dyslexics may have is reading fluently, despite normal
the difficulties that dyslexia can bring stretch beyond just reading and
writing. Memory, organisational skills and even direction can be affected.
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until: Thursday, October 31 2013
Budd, chair of the Dyslexia Association of Staffordshire, said: "If we are
lucky enough to get the funding then it will allow us to reach out across
Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire to identify and help people with
is not just children who need help – it affects people of all ages.
often just think we help young people, but there are many adults who find they
have it.
help them with everyday tasks and give them ways to manage their dyslexia.
can be something as simple as what it says on the side of a bus. It's amazing
the difference that simple techniques can have on people's lives.
want to empower individuals to achieve their full potential in education, employment
and everyday life."

Sherratt, a project coordinator for the association, said: "I became involved
after the group helped my family. It's important to raise awareness and help
those who are affected by dyslexia.
has a massive impact on people. For example, being able to write their name and
address for the first time in their life, finding work, reading to their
grandchild or having the confidence to continue with their education.
are things that most people take for granted, but that can be difficult for
those with dyslexia.
you often find that it affects families the most. When a child is identified
you may then find other siblings or parents get tested and find they have it
is important to support the whole family to understand dyslexia and how they
can manage it.
need help beyond just literacy support.
just try and give them strategies to help them with their everyday lives.
is not something that can be cured, so you have to learn to live with it in the
best ways that you can."
association, which is applying for £11,340, has a helpline and also runs
workshops where they help people to plan their time and journeys so that they
can find their way, teach techniques to help poor memory, help with reading and
writing, show maths shortcuts and demonstrate technology that can make life
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