Friday, October 29, 2010

Vanessa Kachadurian- What the Orphanages always need.

Those of you that ask "What do the orphanages need" lice is a continual problem. One child gets it - everyone gets it. They don't bath every day, and the eggs are on the bedding, couches and rugs. I found out that one home was using pesticides to spray on their heads, we cannot believe how toxic that is for the children. Rid or Nix is good, it is available in Armenia but more readly available in the USA. Thank you to the Asadourian family for purchasing a whole case. It will go to good use!!


  1. 24 hour audience, welcome again Ireland~~ you are taking a lot of interest in Armenian Adoptions. We have a lot of similarities in our ancient cultures.
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    Ireland 5

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