COAF is simply the best organization around for the children of Armenia, they raise over $1 million a year. COAF has many corporate sponsors along with support of every Armenian Organization not to mention famous and powerful people. Some of them are: Ken Davitian, Jane Fonda, Andrea Martin, Eric Boghosian and Martin Short.
Dr. Garo Armen the President is an amazing and honest human being who is respected by everyone.
I met Dr. Armen when he was the Chairman at Elan Pharmaceuticals, he now has his own Oncology company called Antgentics which distributes drugs in Russia, Turkey (where he was born) and the middle east.
Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) has accomplished much in the last five years by implementing programs to address the critical needs of children living in rural Armenia. Because the development challenges facing rural communities far outweigh the resources of any single donor organization, COAF has built partnerships with local and international organizations, including the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the World Bank and many others. These partnerships have allowed us to successfully implement our programs with optimal efficiency in one of the most economically disadvantaged regions of the world.
The Model Village project is the first such program ever to be undertaken and has been recognized by international aid agencies as an exemplary template of sustainable development. COAF aspires to form alliances with organizations operating in other regions to share our methodology in efforts to reverse poverty in less privileged areas of the world, paving the way for a more peaceful resolution of the conflicts that exist today.
In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), COAF completed the capital rehabilitation (view photo gallery) of Karakert’s School #2, Kindergarten #1 and Kindergarten #2. All three projects included reconstruction, renovation, site development, and refurbishment. COAF provided the school and kindergartens with running water, local heating systems and indoor lavatories. Children have been enjoying their new classroom furniture, sports and play equipment, and modern playgrounds. These projects have resulted in a marked improvement in the quality of environment for about 700 school and over 100 preschool children.
UNDP and USAID have also partnered with COAF on a project involving the capital rehabilitation of the Karakert Community Center. The center will provide the village residents with the space and resources to engage in various community development activities, as well as participate in classes and workshops on an array of topics, including English as a second language, business and entrepreneurship, and others. Work on the center is currently in progress.
Within the framework of the Model Cluster project COAF partnered UNDP and USAID to start the Shenik school and Community Sports Complex rehabilitation and refurbishment project. Over 200 students will find their healthy and modern school environment in the new reconstructed building in September 2007. The sport hall of the school will serve the entire community as Community Sports Complex and will bring revenues for coverage of the maintenance of the school building to ensure self sustainability.
The World Bank, through its Supported Health Project Implementation Unit, partnered with COAF to renovate and refurbish Karakert’s ambulatory care facility. The project, currently underway, involves renovation and modernization of the facility, as well as provision of equipment, medical supplies and a vehicle for emergency cases. This project is part of COAF’s larger goal to raise the community’s awareness of health issues and provide the villagers with professional, modern medical care.
In partnership with Human Dignity and Peace (HDP), COAF implemented its Agricultural Development project, whereby 156 families in Lernagog, Dalarik, Karakert, Myasnikyan and Shenik received hands-on training and technical assistance in backyard gardening. COAF also organized training in innovative, profitable gardening methods for the select group of farmers from these villagers. Through these projects, COAF has realized the income of 156 families, as well as increased the agricultural capacity of the beneficiary villages.
The World Bank Supported Water Sector Development and Institutional Improvements Project Implementation Unit and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) are supporting COAF in the reconstruction and repair of the irrigation water network, an important component in the rehabilitation of the Model Cluster villages. The completed reconstruction of the 4.5-km pipeline and currently in progress of a 3.74 km of the irrigation water network project in Dalarik and 2.89 in Myasnikyan villages. These projects will significantly increase the agricultural capacity of all three communities and its neighboring villages, as well as immediately benefit over 2,130 families, who will gain access to running irrigation water.
COAF has partnered also local municipalities of Lernagog and Karakert to built a community park in Lernagog and repair Karakert community roads. Over 2000 lernagog residents in coming spring will cherish in a newly fenced and planted young park, which will be furbished with a modern playground, waste baskets and benches. The residents of Karakert mention with a smile that the last 20 years they had not seen Karakert roads to be repaired. Today more then 7000m of the community roads allow school and kindergarten kids to reach their institutions without jumping over the ponds/water holes.
A local NGO in Lernagog, Hay Mshak, has partnered with COAF to establish the inter-village transportation business. More then 16,000 people in the Model Cluster villages feel safe and secure as the van is running around its route 4 times per day.
And the last but not least achievement of partnerships is with the Mission East and Future Generation NGOs on a project of creating 5 Children’s Club and Community centers in various building of 5 different communities.
COAF’s Continuing Medical Education in Pediatrics project, which included a 20-day training program for 24 pediatricians and family physicians of Armavir District, and later, certification, supervision and monitoring of trainees, was made possible with the support and participation of the Arabkir Joint Medical Center - Institute of Child and Adolescent Health (ICAH).
The Armenian Eye Care Project (AECP) was COAF’s key partner in the implementation of the Eye Care Screening and Treatment project (view photo gallery), which involved screening 633 school children and 54 adults in Karakert, follow-up detailed screening and treatment of 52 children at a specialized ophthalmologic clinic in Yerevan, and follow-up eye surgery and prosthesis for one patient. In spring 2006 the same project continued in six cluster villages, involving 1143 child and 433 adult beneficiaries. Among them 280 cases were diagnosed with eye problems and 86 referred to specialized clinics for follow-up traetment and diagnosis.
The Armenian Dental Society of California (ADSC) and COAF jointly conducted the Mobile Dental Care project (view photo gallery), through which 710 children were screened and 294 children were diagnosed and treated for dental problems. In addition to receiving urgently needed treatment, the children and youth of Karakert learned about the importance of dental hygiene and preventive care. In summer 2006 the same project, targeted 233 schoolchildren from Dalarik, Myasnikyan, Lernagog and Shenik communities.
COAF partnered with the Children’s Health Care Association (CHCA) on the Integrated Child Health Initiative, which involved screening of 689 children, women and expecting mothers, as well as an educational program on child health care and prenatal care for parents and expecting mothers. In addition, more than 60 percent of all screened patients received follow-up treatment on-site, and 67 children received follow-up diagnostics, treatment and surgery at the regional hospital and specialized clinics in Yerevan. This was only one of many unprecedented programs through which COAF provided medical assistance and health education to the residents of Karakert.
COAF and CHCA also worked together on a project titled Community Health Education and Promoting Healthy Schools. Within the framework of this project, COAF established health rooms, appointed nurses and provided preventive care (including oral hygiene, vitamin supplementation, anti-lice and anti-helminthes drugs) in Karakert’s school and kindergartens. In addition, the project involved educational programs on healthy lifestyles, child health and prenatal care and HIV/AIDS prevention. COAF also organized a celebration of World Health Day, and an exhibition of children’s art works called “Health as Children See It.”
COAF and Future Generation NGO, worked together in organization of the health care through Mobile Medical Teams and implementation of the Community Health Education and Promoting Healthy Schools project in three cluster communities. Pilot project on Revolving Drug Fund (RDF) is implemented in Lernagog community.
Within the framework of Community Health Education COAF together with Fighting against Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries (FIDEC) implements “Microbac” health educational program on hygiene and vaccination, targeting elementary school and preschool children.
Since February 2006 COAF partnered with the Mission East on “A Healthy Start - Promoting the Rights of Disabled Children in Armenia” project, addressed to changing social attitude and health care practices as well as creating healthy environment for disabled children. So far, more than 70 children from socially vulnerable families of cluster communities were screened and diagnosed. Among them 26 children were diagnosed as disabled. The joint project is continued. The construction part, including establishment of rehabilitation rooms in the schools and preschools of target villages, serving as Children’s Clubs for the disabled, will be completed on September 2007.
In summer 2006 COAF partnered with the Children First NGO on Early Detection and Prevention of Reproductive Health Issues in Women, targeting more than 130 women and expecting mothers from 3 cluster villages.
In partnership with Counterpart International, COAF provided humanitarian assistance to the residents of Karakert by distributing clothes and shoes to more than 600 families and donating 30,000 tablets of methotrexate, an anti-cancer drug, to the Institute of Hematology. This project aimed to assist families and patients in need of immediate attention.
With the generous support of the Diplomats’ Spouses Association (DSA), COAF provided furniture, equipment and decorations to Karakert’s Kindergarten #1. The 35 children attending the kindergarten received one- and two-story beds, individual closets, linen sets and closets, tables, chairs, bookcases, and shelves for toys. COAF also provided office furniture and a kitchen stove for the kindergarten staffroom.
Together with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), COAF trained health care staff by conducting a series of seminars on the use of GSK’s new medications.
The Jinishian Memorial Foundation (JMF) partnered with COAF to implement a component of our project on Community Health Education and Promoting Healthy Schools by distributing books to reproductive-age women, informing them about a wide range of prenatal and child health care issues.
COAF and International Relief and Development (IRD) worked together to organize the delivery of 25–30 types of essential drugs to Karakert and Lernagog ambulatory care facility, providing much needed treatment to both children and adults. IRD provided also 4 wheelchairs to Lernagog disabled.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and COAF jointly conducted an HIV/AIDS prevention seminar for local migrant workers within COAF’s Community Health Education project. UMCOR also provides essential drugs and supplies to Dalarik and Myasnikyan health facilities.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and COAF together participated in Karakert’s inaugural ceremonies by donating T-shirts, school kits and educational materials to the school and kindergartens.
COAF in partnership with UNICEF is implementing Psycho-Social (PS) Project, dedicated to the protection of the children’s rights. The PS Center is established in Dalarik and serve to all six cluster communities. The project aims at raising public awareness on the child’s rights issues with emphasis on training parents and educators on the rights of disadvantaged or disabled children as well as providing psycho-social support to the communities. Currently the PS Center has 3-4 applicants per day. The local staff gets on-job training.
Through COAF/CARD partnership Youth Development program (establishment of youth clubs) is implemented in Lernagog and Argina communities. 20 youth from Lernagog and Argina received 2 sheep (total 40 sheep) and necessary supplies for care. The local Vet was elected as a Youth Club President. Each month youth are involved in training on animal anatomy, physiology and care.
In partnership with Heifer International COAF implements the project, the goal of which is to improve the social and economic conditions of target 20 families from Shenik through developed animal husbandry. The main objectives of the project are development of rural community, empowerment of community groups, knowledge and continuous and sustainable development of families in rural areas.
COAF has partnered with the Municipality of Lernagog in establishment of Cluster Press Club. The Cluster Press Club is training 13 local youth in mass media principles and legislation, the different genres of journalism, newspaper production, freedom of speech and responsibility, and computer literacy. The project will result in the establishment of a self-sustaining small business that will publish the Cluster Monthly.
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