This exceptional fund supports the education at economically strapped youth of Armenia. Parents are forced to migrate to Russia for work and have used the orphanages as a place to feed, cloth, educate their children. This has created a generation of children that are considered "social orphans" NOT available for adoption the social orphans account for 99% of the children in orphanages in Armenia.
This fund was established by social workers in Armenia, that want to build the education of the next generation to be economically equipped to start industry and businesses. "Knowledge is power" we want to empower the children to have the right to build their country and eliminate orphanages all together. The orphanages get government funding and donations, unfortunately the money does nothing to improve their social life but rather keep their standard of living in orphanages.
vanessa Kachadurian charity
Vatche Soghomonian one of the "Ararat 10" that climbed Mt. Ararat 3 years ago and put up a flag of Armenia and Nargno Karabagh rides a bike through Armenia every year raising money for different causes designed to build the economy of Armenia. Lets concentrate on the future of Armenia, it's children and get them financially strong independent of living in state run and private ran orphanages.
Thank you Vatche, you are a real gem of our motherland.