The photo above is quite startling, it is from the Armenian orphanage in Lebanon that was run by the Turkish government. This was a Turkification camp where these dear little orphans were indoctrinated into Turkish culture and nationalism. Many were adopted out by Turkish citizens where they forever lost their identity. Today there is news out of Armenia on their latest discussions of what to do with foreign adoptions. As always, when all local efforts are exhausted to find permanant and loving homes for the children adoption should be in the best interest of the child, not the best interest of the adoption facilitator$
2010-08-27Consultation on Adoption Issues at RA Foreign Ministry
YEREVAN, AUGUST 27, ARMENPRESS: RA Justice Ministry’s Agency of Civil Status Acts Registration and RA Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department held today a working consultation on issues of adoption of Armenian children by foreigners. An official from the press and information department of RA Foreign Affairs Ministry told Armenpress that Argam Petrosyan, deputy head of RA Justice Ministry’s Civil Status Acts Registration Agency, as well as a number of representatives of RA Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department and consular offices, accredited in Armenia, partook in the consultation.
The Republic of Armenia joined 2007 the Hague Convention of 29 May, 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption. The RA Government adopted the procedure of adoption and calculation of children – citizens of Armenia – adopted by foreign citizens and RA citizens, living abroad, at RA diplomatic representations and consular offices by the 269N decision of March 18, 2010. In the result of thorough discussion the participants came to an agreement to establish cooperation for the regulation of the procedure of adoption, for acting in the interests of children and following their future after the adoption.